Platform for binary trading in Hong Kong: comfort and reliability
Key points:
- What's binary options?
- How binary options work?
- Where to trade binary options?
- Binary options for beginners
- Trade binary options without deposit
1. What’s binary options?
Many beginning traders are often puzzled - what are binary options? A binary option is a financial instrument with only two possible results, a win or loss. The objective here is to predict which of these two outcomes is most likely to occur. If the prediction is correct, it will return a profit relative to the investment made. If incorrect, this investment is lost. There is also a time frame set for binary options and when they expire the result is calculated. The binary option trader picks this time frame before they begin the trade.
IQ Option is a top binary options broker. We have many unique assets to trade on within this financial instrument. There are tutorials within the platform that help understand more about binary options.
2. How binary options work?
With a binary option, the trader must pick whether they think the price of a certain underlying asset will rise or fall. There is a time limit on each trade and when the time is up the result is given. If the trader picks the right direction of the price, they get a return on their investment. Otherwise they just lose their investment. Traders can use binary options whenever the underlying asset’s market is open.
IQ Option has plenty of assets to use for binary trading. This allows users to trade whenever they want because there will almost always be some markets open. Binary options can be very quick so traders can fit them into any time of day.

3. Which binary options broker is best?
When choosing a binary broker it is important first to understand the needs you have in terms of trading. If you are not sure what asset to invest in and you want to try different ones first, IQ Option has an election of diverse assets to use for binary options.
Besides, a minimum deposit is only $10. Each trade starts as low as $1. The platform is very easy to use as it has a very user-friendly interface, especially for novice traders. Moreover, our multilingual support team is ready to help 24/7. This can be great for getting advice and training on binary options absolutely for free.
4. Binary options for beginners
Binary options are a great choice for novice traders because they are easy to understand. Likewise traders can take advantage of the demo account, which allows endless amounts of free practice. There are free tutorials available through the IQ Option website that help explain the finer details around binary options and its trading.
IQ Option is ideal for new traders. The platform has an intuitive interface which is easy for you to understand and utilize. Customer support is available 24/7 and can assist new traders and even provide trading tips. There are also multiple languages on the platform to allow users from all over the world to experience a comfortable trading environment.

5. Trade binary options without deposit
If you do not want to invest money before understanding how the trading works, you are on the right track. There are ways of trading binary options without any investment at all - and platform binary options demo is one of them. The binary options demo account lets users learn to trade for free. There are no deposit requirements in options trading demo accounts at all, so traders can practice as much time as they want. This gets people straight into the action and is certainly one of the greatest ways to understand binary options and improve your trading skills.
The IQ Option demo options trading is a great tool in developing strategy. There are also free tutorials provided through the platform. A 24/7 support team is available to give trading advice. New traders can go from zero experience to experienced traders in no time.
Binary options are understood as an interesting and promising financial instrument but on the other hand such instrument is rather controversial.
Somebody compares it to a roulette. Others frequently call options gambling. To understand the instrument, it should be analyzed deeply.
The history of binary options: a brief overview
In fact, binary options are considered as the most recent investing instrument that appeared in the USA in 2008.
Chicago Board Options Exchange opened two binary options: for S&P500 and for VIX indexes. Since then, the new instrument has started to spread all over the world.
Referring to the European financial system the crucial decision was made in 2012.
At present time, different governments show different attitude towards binary options but the instrument is available for trading in the majority of countries including Hong Kong.

What do binary options mean?
Apart from other assets like shares, traditional or digital currencies binary options give you no property rights.
Those assets are contracts between a trader and a broker and each party takes certain duties.
A trader loses its investment in case of differences between a prediction made and a real market situation. The principle ‘all or nothing’ is realized. A broker is obliged to pay fixed amount of money when a prediction was right. Expiration time, asset and investment are the key contract clauses.
A deal between a trader and a broker can be illustrated by the following example. A user visited a particular broker platform and had picked up EUR/USD asset. When expiration time is from 1 to 5 minutes, a trader gets 95% profit. A user selected 3 minutes and had invested 10 USD. At that moment EUR/USD index was 1.08420. Analyzing news and trends a user predicted that in the upcoming minutes the index would increase and had made a deal. The index increased to 1.08421 and that had brought $9.5 net profit to a user.
Thus, no matter how much the index increases, the profit is fixed and depends on the result only. In the index was 1.08419 a trader would have lost his investment.
Looking for a broker: why a platform may influence your success?
Referring to binary options trading, a broker frequently plays the crucial role, either positive or negative.
The following aspects prove the importance of a reliable broker selection:
- License. Unlicensed brokers have no responsibility before their users whose rights can be violated.
- Technological background. The less innovative and convenient a platform is the less successful your trading is expected to be.
- Financial background. Traders expect getting convenient process of depositing and withdrawing their funds. Any problems lead to time-wasting and nervousness.

IQ Option binary options trading: liberty, equality and brotherhood
IQ Option broker is considered among the most reliable ones being awarded for its customer-friendliness and progressive technologies.
The main advantages of the broker can be summarized in the following statements:
- Platforms were developed implementing the recent technologies therefore operations are several times quicker than competitors have.
- Diverse array of assets is suggested for trading (referring to binary options, there offered more than 50 assets including OTC options).
- Complete customer support is provided (24/7 support, thematic chats, native language chats, etc.). All problems are expected to be solved in minutes.
- Apps for PC and mobile phones are developed together with online version to offer traders trading variability.
- The highest level of trader-friendliness is guaranteed. Working out a platform, developers had been taking into account traders’ opinions.
- The trading process can be completely personalized using different analysis instruments and even color schemes. Settings will be saved for your next sessions.
- Multiple ways of depositing and withdrawing funds are suggested for users.
Getting an account on IQ Option is a totally simple task.
Visit a website, press ‘Sign Up’, insert all necessary information and confirm terms and conditions. The whole process takes some 5 minutes.

How to make a deal on binary options Hong Kong?
If you wish to invest funds in binary options IQ Option platform offers the best conditions for users.
Just follow some simple steps:
- Log in your account.
- Open a new asset by pressing ‘+’ in the upper left corner. You will be offered diverse array of assets for investing.
- Click in the preferable currency pair or share to start trading. A chart with price changes will be displayed for selected asset. Price changes are shown online, directly from the market.
- You are able to change a chart time from 30 days to 2 minutes in order to get necessary information for the current market situation analyzing and further predictions.
- Pick up expiration time taking into account that fixed profits are the highest for a period from 1 to 5 minutes while a trader is suggested selecting expiration time up to 2 hours.
- Insert the amount of your investment. Our platform offers making deals starting with $1. The maximal amount of your investment is limited by 20 000 USD.
- Press ‘Higher’ or ‘Lower’ depending on your analysis. 30 seconds before the expiration time a trader is able to make deals. What’s more those deals can be to both results – i.e. both ‘Higher’ and ‘Lower’. There exist no limitations for the number of deals.
When the expiration time comes and your prediction corresponds to the market situation, funds are charged to your account in several seconds.
Binary trading FAQ
Which instruments are used for analyzing price movement?
Binary options belong to the category of financial assets therefore their analysis is connected with special instruments applying. Those are divided into three categories. Economic calendar includes all news that concern chosen assets. Every news may affect the price significantly. Indicators like Bollinger lines, Stochastic, MACD are necessary to analyze the trends and understand further price movement.
Which binary options IQ strategy should I select?
There exist tens of different strategies for binary trading. Among the most widespread strategies the following ones can be pointed out: Ishimoku Cloud, Profitable hedge, Slaughter, Ninja, Puria, Trend Channel, etc. Strategies are worked out for particular expiration time. There exist turbo ones for 1-5 minutes or ordinary oriented on longer time.
In fact, every strategy should be tested on different assets and personal experience only may tell which strategies are the best ones.
How should I test those strategies?
Our platform offers perfect conditions for strategies testing. Every user obtains a demo account after registration. The main advantage of a demo account lies in getting virtual money. An account contains $10 000. When those funds are spent, an account can be refilled again. Refilling is unlimited. No real money is necessary for an account refilling.
Thus, traders are free to pick up different assets and test different strategies in order to find the most effective ones.
Should I select shares or currency pairs for trading?
In fact, those assets cannot be compared because they imply different trading principles, different strategies and different profits as well. Shares are understood as more professional instrument. Their price mostly depends on fundamental factors including news therefore traders are recommended selecting maximal expiration time periods. Referring to currencies, the influential factors are more numerous and the situation changes every second.
Which currency pairs are the most suitable for beginners?
Our platform offers more than 40 different currency pairs for trading but users cannot pick up all assets because each type demands profound analysis therefore professionals recommend selecting one or two assets and use them for trading. The more you understand the situation, the more profits you obtain. Picking up currency pairs pay attention to the following criteria:
· Volatility. There exist pairs with minimal volatility (EUR/GBP, NZD/USD, etc.), medium volatility (EUR/USD, CAD/JPY, etc.) and high volatility (EUR/NZD, GBP/AUD, etc.). Traders are recommended to trade pairs with medium volatility.
· Popularity. The more popular assets are among traders the more complicated their prices movements are predicted. For instance, GBP/USD and EUR/JPY are not recommended for newcomers.
· Motive force. Different currency pairs depend on some assets or other factors and such peculiarity must be taken into account by traders. For instance, pairs with GBP are highly dependent on the news from the UK. USD/CAD pair depends on oil prices. AUD/USD and NZD/USD depend on precious metals’ prices and on weather as well.
Thus, traders are expected to take all those factors into account and then pick up a currency pair understood as the most preferable one.
Can I open deals for different assets?
Using ‘Open new asset’ traders are able to make unlimited number of deals for any assets they wish. The total portfolio contains information about all you deals. Such option is recommended being used for correlated currency pairs. For instance, EUR/USD and USD/CHF move almost identically. The same concerns AUD/USD and NZD/USD pairs.
How can I improve my trading skills?
Binary options are understood as an instrument that demands the highest level of professionalism. Our platform offers extended functionality for those who downloaded apps for their PCs, laptops or smartphones. Video tutorials are suggested for free. Moreover, you may participate in IQ option tournaments that welcome traders from all over the world and imply attractive prize pools. Some tournaments are offered for free while others demand fee that is just several dollars.
Are there any information for binary option assets?
Our platform offers some information for users including the recent news concerning a trading pair, technical analysis, predictions, etc. Based on those data analyzing the price movements becomes much simpler. Using apps, traders may follow to 9 charts simultaneously where different periods of time can be selected.
Is binary trading available on weekends?
Most assets are closed on weekends because financial organizations work from Monday till Friday all over the world but some assets are still available for trading. Those are Over-The-Counter pairs suggested by a broker. Price movement is controlled by a broker as well therefore assets are understood as the most risky. On the other hand, profits are maximal for OTC pairs. When other markets are closed, the opening time is indicated. For instance, AUD/JPY asset opens in 2 days 4 hours.
Are binary options legal in Hong Kong?
Hong Kong is rather loyal country to all innovations and investment instruments as well. Citizens are free to invest in binary options but a platform should be obligatory licensed. Speaking about the trading norms, users are just obliged to pay taxes from their profits.
Should I pay taxes from trading profits in Hong Kong?
Definitely yes! Profits obtained from binary trading are classified as general profits therefore a trader is obliged to pay income taxes. The rates differ from one to another canton. For instance, in Zug taxes are just 23% while in Neuchatel 37% are charged from traders. Zug is the most favorable place for different investing activities and the canton is even called the Crypto Valley.
Can I earn for living trading binary options?
The main paradox lies in the fact that traders should not think about money. Thinking about money is connected with emotions while emotions are understood as the main enemy of a trader. The circle is closed. Thinking about results, skills and professionalism is a road toward success.